Membership to DunedinHOST is currently $100 per yearly subscription

For such a small fee we are sure you will experience very real benefits from being a member of Dunedin’s Leading Tourism Body.

DunedinHOST provides benefits through membership in the following main areas:

  • Networking and sharing or information with other operators in the industry at regular events.
  • Gaining education and training through workshops and seminars designed to help members stay in touch with all of the latest knowledge and tools.
  • Gaining national and international knowledge from keynote speakers at organized events.
  • Having the ability to showcase new products and services to a wide audience.
  • Having members views, interests and requirements represented and voiced at all levels, including the media, local government and other interested parties.

Apply for Membership Now.

To apply for membership, please contact us:

We look forward to hearing from you!


To read the DunedinHOST Constitution please click on the following link Dunedin-Host-Constitution