The goal of the Dunedin Visitor Strategy is  to increase the contribution of the visitor industry to Dunedin’s economic development and in doing so, to the overall well-being of Dunedin.

DunedinTourism2025 Growth Framework has an industry-led vision to grow the Dunedin tourism economy to $1.6 billion annual revenue from domestic and international visitors by 2025. View Tourism Growth Framework Dunedin Host

The framework is based on the Tourism Industry Aotearoa (TIA) national 2025 Tourism Growth Framework. http://tourism2025.org.nz/

TD2025 was developed with support and feedback from DunedinHOST members, Otago Chamber of Commerce, TIA, DCC, University of Otago, Hospitality Association, Ngai Tahu, Tourism New Zealand,  DVML, Port Otago, Dunedin Airport and other stakeholders. The Framework is planned to be updated in 2019

Please contact us at info@dunedinhost.co.nz with your feedback, or if you are interested in joining DunedinHOST and supporting our work to grow tourism in Dunedin.